National Public Napping Day by Dominic Lucido

Have you ever been tired in public, but were too afraid to take a nap? Well, on February 28th, feel free to take a nap, and don’t be embarrassed. February 28th is National Public Napping Day, and it has been celebrated since 2011. You and a friend could either go to the park and take a nap after sitting on the swings or maybe catch up on sleep during school. Don’t feel bad for falling asleep during a lecture in English because sometimes all you need is a power nap, which is a nap that lasts about 10-20 minutes and can give you a lift for the day. Some prefer the California King, and this nap lasts about 90 minutes and will even include a dream (National Day Calendar). These naps are good for you and can help improve productivity, so on February 28th, take a public nap with a smile on your face and without guilt in your heart.

Single’s Day By: Chris Roop

It’s pretty weird that the day after Valentine’s Day is National Singles Day. Being single is often not too bad because there is not really a need to please anyone, and you also have freedom to do what you want to do. Without a soul mate, you don’t have to pay for two people at dinner; you only have to pay for yourself. According to National Day Calendar, “Being single helps you to establish your independence and your identity.” Being single allows you to save money. When you’re single, it’s easier to maintain a healthier lifestyle, like going to the gym, without anyone in your way. Being single is the way to go. On February 15th enjoy being single, and don’t be jealous of any relationship!

The Nutella Phenomenon by Ashley Owen

People love Nutella, it’s just a thing, but did you know that some people love Nutella so much that they riot? In France this week, a supermarket chain owned by the Intermarche chain had a massive sale (from about €4.70  to €1.41) on the scrumptious chocolate hazelnut spread. Fights broke out and in certain locations, police were called. Needless to say, people love this delectable treat. Nutella was created in Italy around the 1800s since cocoa was hard to come by. At the end of World War 2, it once again became difficult to find, so Pietro Ferrero made loaves of this sweet paste and called it Giandujot. Soon after, the Ferro company was founded on May 14th, 1946. According to BBC News, 402,000 tons of Nutella is eaten every year across the world. World Nutella day is on February 5th every year. This year try to celebrate by making an easy Nutella snack like strawberries & Nutella, Nutella-stuffed french toast, Nutella rolls, Nutella hot chocolate or Nutella granola. You can find more information about National Days like World Nutella Day at and get these easy Nutella recipes at

President’s Day- Grant Dickerson

President’s Day

President’s Day is celebrated on President George Washington’s birthday. It is the third monday of February. President’s Day is a day to remember the accomplishments and declaration of the United States of America. Most of us skip over it like it’s not important, but this day shows us how much we have built from George Washington’s success. Also, most people skip over it because we should learn more about how we grew to this point.

George Washington crossed the Delaware, was once a general, had wooden teeth, and made very many architectures from his bare hands from lumber trees. I hope this shows people the accomplishments of this day.

National Strawberry Day by Matthew Stewart

Do you really love strawberries? Then National Strawberry day is the day for you. National Strawberry Day is February 27th every year. According to National Day Calendar, the word strawberry originated many years ago when the berries fall of the leaves and the become strewn , thats where they think the name originated from. Most people know about strawberries great flavor but not very many people know them for their fragrance. Strawberries are actually part of the rose family. There are over 600 types of strawberries according to National Day Calendar. The best time to go strawberries is from Late April to August. Strawberries are very good for your health because of all of Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and folic acid. These are all of the great reasons to love Strawberries! If you love strawberries this is the day for you!

National Banana Bread Day by Ryan Breedlove

National Banana Bread Day is celebrated on February 23.  “A moist, sweet, cake-like quick bread is made with fully ripe bananas” (National Day Calendar) Banana bread came in the early 1930s by simply combining baking soda and baking powder with some other small ingredients. It was soon added into Pillsbury’s recipe book and in the 1970s banana bread sparked all over the United States after receiving a large supply of bananas which made the cake be unlimited for all to by. All different food companies started to add banana bread into their recipe book and sell them. The first main recipe for banana bread was made with banana flour, which was ground into a powder and was the main way to make it. Now, it’s simply made with bananas and the basic ingredients that are used for cakes.


National Organ Donor Day By Andrea Avila

What do you think of when you hear the date February 14th? Valentine’s Day? Well, did you know that February 14th is also considered to be National Organ Donor Day? According to National Day Calendar, “National Organ Donor Day is a day to increase awareness about organ donation and the lives that can be saved.” The Saturn Corporation and its United Auto Workers partners started National Organ Donor Day in 1998. Throughout the U.S.A.  more than 120,000 people are waiting to receive an organ donation. The five main donations that are collected  are organs, tissues, marrow, platelets, and  blood. Blood is the main donation, which is significant because approximately every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, which adds up to needing 41,000 daily donations. Everyone should consider being an organ and blood donor.

Random Acts of Kindness Day by Isabella Hathaway

Have you ever been a recipient of a random act of kindness? Such as receiving a handwritten letter or a post-it note with encouraging words. If not, you are in luck, because February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day! According to the National Day Calendar website, National Random Acts of Kindness Day originated in New Zealand. It is a day to bestow upon someone a Random Act of Kindness.  On this day people can celebrate by paying for someone’s meal in a drive-thru, leaving encouraging sticky notes in a library book, giving up your place in line, or leaving a large tip for a waitress. The possibilities are endless. By showing kindness, the goodwill can spread and affect entire communities. Mark Twain once said, “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Join me in celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day, and spread the kindness!

Strokes of Bad Luck By: Kevin Paszko

Music stars and plane crashes, unfortunately, have been a duo that has claimed many lives in the last sixty years. Some of those who have been killed in crashes have been Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jim Croce, Otis Redding, and three members of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd. All of the musicians and their careers were just starting out and were cut short due to the accidents that claimed their lives. However, there was one plane crash in particular that turned into the first of a series of high-profile plane crashes that would plague the music world for years to come. Commonly known as the day the music died, February 3, 1959, was the date that Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper tragically perished when their plane crashed in Clear Lake, Iowa. All three were young performers that had yet to truly hit their creative peaks, and they were touring the country playing their music when they decided to take a charter plane instead of a bus. That decision proved to be fateful as bad weather would cause the pilot to lose control and crash; interestingly, one victim had the chance to avoid riding the plane. According to, The Big Bopper flipped a coin with Waylon Jennings and was on the receiving end of bad luck that ultimately claimed his life. A similarly fatal switch happened in 1990 when Stevie Ray Vaughan took a seat in a helicopter that was originally reserved for Eric Clapton. While February 3rd is forever known as the day the music died, it has shed light on the successful, albeit brief, careers of those involved, and thanks to Don McLean’s anthem “American Pie,” the story lives on in song as well.

Bring Back SRT by Sebastian Priego

SRT (Student Resource Time) is a period for working on assignments, finishing tests or quizzes, and seeking extra help. It gives students a chance to bring up their grades and have less homework to take home to work on. Unfortunately, this period was taken away in order to establish 7th period classes. Despite disagreements, the period was abolished, which did not sit well with students.These classes are necessary because it can give students less homework to work on at home. No one wants to be bombarded with school work, projects, and studying for tests. This period reduces the stress students bear of overwhelming homework. It can also make time for extracurricular activities and home life. Athletes and club participants can focus on their activities or clubs more and be successful. ¨SRT makes going to callout meetings easier because if we brought SRT back, we wouldn’t have to go after school,¨ says Eric Hasse, sophomore at Hanover Central High School. It can give students the time to do other activities after school and give students more time to relax at home. If a student is struggling with a subject, they can go to that class and get help from the teacher. If students have nothing to do and they have finished all of their work, they can take time to relax and wait for their next class. This period is needed and should be revived.